R.EV Ride

The second edition of the Remco Evenepoel Ride will take place on Saturday 10 August. Schepdaal, Remco’s home village, is once again the start and finish location. After his first Tour de France and the Paris Olympic Games, Remco wants to ride a tour of his Belgian training roads among his supporters again.

Participants can choose from four distances: 60 km, 85 km, 130 km or 170 km crossing the Pajottenland, the Flemish Ardennes and le Pays des Collines.

From 13:00, the real Fanday can begin on the premises of the Castle of Schepdaal.

The R.EV Brussels Cycling Academy will offer numerous activities for young people. Among other things, you can participate in “The Golden KM”, a short time trial of about 1 km on a mountain bike. Prizes will be provided for the fastest riders.

There will also be the necessary entertainment: DJ sets, food trucks, a bar,….

After his Ride, Remco himself will join to celebrate his fantastic summer and share a fun moment with all fans present.

In short, a beautiful day to look forward to! Go ahead and put a pin in your calendar!


Discover The Course

From Schepdaal Castle, explore a course full of familiar roads for Remco.

The 60 km course is an introduction to Remco’s first training roads. Discover the Pajottenland on this morning ride in a beautiful region featuring three climbs. After a fun and relaxed tour you will return to the starting point.

The 85 km course ups the challenge with passages on the Muur van Geraardsbergen, Bosberg and Congoberg. In addition to these well known spring classics climbs, there are four more climbs on the menu.

The 130 km course contains 12 climbs, or roughly one climb per 10 km! This route immerses you in the Pays des Collines, a region close to Remco’s heart, without having to ride all the way to the French border. Via Flobecq and Ellezelles you will head to familiar terrain for cyclists with challenging ascents of over 10% in a glorious, undulating landscape.

The 170 km course is Remco’s ultimate course! It is his favourite training route when he is in belgium, from his home in Schepdaal to the French border. Brace yourself to climb several “walls” with passages of around 15% (Bourliquet and Mont de l’Enclus). On the ascent of the southern side of the Hotond you will even face peaks of 18%. This is the perfect route for experienced cycling tourists who want to explore our champion’s favourite roads.

60 km

Start & finish: Schepdaal

Steenhoutberg (52%)

Flieren Oechel


85 km

Start & finish: Schepdaal


Muur van Geraardsbergen



Steenhoutberg (52%)

Flieren Oechel


130 km

Start & finish: Schepdaal



Côte du Paradis




Muur van Geraardsbergen



Steenhoutberg (52%)

Flieren Oechel


170 km

Start & finish: Schepdaal


Rue de la Folie

Le Bourliquet

Mont de l'Enclus


Schapenberg/Hotond (Zuid)


Muur van Geraardsbergen



Steenhoutberg (52%)

Flieren Oechel


Online registrations (until 23:59 on Friday 9 Augusut)

Selected your course? Great! Below you will find all rates for the Reuzen van Vlaanderen.

5€ discount or more with your registration? Read how to claim yours through the Proximus Recycling action here.


Tarief t.e.m. 29/07

Tarief na 29/07

60 km

€ 18

€ 21

85 km

€ 18

€ 21

130 km

€ 20

€ 23

170 km

€ 24

€ 27

Early Registration Pays Off!

Join the early birds and register before 29 July, that way you will be in the breakaway group and enjoy an advantageous rate.

Would you rather register on the spot?

You can, you will receive your frame plate immediately after payment. The registration booth in Schepdaal is open on Saturday, August 10, 2024:

  • 170 km: between 07:30 – 08:30
  • 130 km: between 07:30 – 10:00
  • 85 km: between 08:00 – 11:00
  • 60 km: between 08:30 – 11:00

Group Registrations (until 23:59 on Monday 29 July)

Would you like to take up the challenge together with colleagues and friends? Then you can register as a group until Monday 29 July 2024.

Practical Info

The organisation will provide sufficient parking close to the start and finish. This way you can safely park your car.

Parking : Zwijnenbergstraat 62, 1750 Lennik

Start/finish location

Kasteel Van Schepdaal
Scheestraat 74
1750 Lennik

Start times

  • 170 km: between 07:30 – 08:30
  • 130 km: between 07:30 – 10:00
  • 85 km: between 08:00 – 11:00
  • 60 km: between 08:30 – 11:00
  • Generous supplies at each checkpoint*
  • Free coffee at the start
  • Technical assistance & breakdown service along the route
  • Medical service at each supply point and at the start/finish
  • Frame sticker showing hills and supply points
  • Insurance (no helmet = no insurance)
  • Signallers along the course and at the start/finish
  • Waymarked course offering perfect signposting
  • Secure bike sheds
  • Changing rooms & showers
  • A cozy après-bike after the finish

*Supplies only on presentation of the frame plate!

Pack Scan & Ride

Register online and receive your ticket by email. This way, you can immediately collect your frame plate upon presentation of your ticket at the Scan & Ride desks and you don’t have to get off your bike!

Day registration

Would you rather register on the spot? Then be sure to put your bike in the secure bike sheds!

Opening hours:

  • 170 km: between 07:30 – 08:30
  • 130 km: between 07:30 – 10:00
  • 85 km: between 08:00 – 11:00
  • 60 km: between 08:30 – 11:00

During your ride, enjoy generous supplies of sports nutrition and drinks, water and a wide range of biscuits and fruit.

  • 170 km: 3 supply stations
  • 130 km: 2 supply stations
  • 85 km: 1 supply station
  • 60 km: 1 supply station

*Supplies only on presentation of the frame plate!

The last supply point closes at 16:30. If you arrive here later, you are no longer an official participant and are obliged to take the shortest route to the finish. The finish line closes at 17:30.

Changing rooms and showers: More information will follow later.

At the end of your ride, please return your frame plate to the designated stand. This may give you a chance to win a white jersey of Tour de France, signed by Remco.

You can then enjoy the afternoon in our company.

Breakdown on the road?

Technical assistance is provided at the start and at supply points. Can’t get there? Call the emergency number on the back of your frame to call on our mobile breakdown service.

Medical assistance is available at the start and at supply stations. In case of a medical emergency, call the emergency number 112.

Photo Service

Sportograf.com is our official photo partner and will take photos of all participants during R.EV Ride. You can order these one day after the race via the link below.


Recycling Campaign

In Belgium, three million mobile phones lie forgotten in a drawer, and yet 90% of the materials in mobile phones can be recycled (copper, cobalt, silver, gold, etc.). In 2024, Proximus wants to collect no fewer than 140,000 devices and recycle them thanks to the collaboration with Brainscape. Together we prevent new extraction of raw materials in developing countries.

A kind call to all cycling fans to put their greenest foot forward and participate in the recycling campaign! All Proximus Cycling Challenges listed in the calendar and 6 tours of the Teamleader Crm Classics Tour are participating in the campaign. Everyone who recycles will be rewarded. How? Find out by clicking on the button below.


Er is geen tijdslimiet. Iedereen fietst op zijn eigen tempo. Houd er wel rekening mee dat de finish sluit om 17u30.

Inschrijven kan heel gemakkelijk online tot de dag voor het event. Bovendien kan je op die manier vlot de start nemen via onze scan & ride zone op vertoon van je inschrijvingsbevestiging.

Toch vergeten in te schrijven? Dan kan je terecht bij één van onze medewerkers voor een last-minute daginschrijving.

Dit is niet mogelijk. We raden je aan om je spullen in de wagen te laten tijdens het fietsen.

Er zullen kleedkamers/douches ter beschikking zijn.

Als de R.EV Ride niet kan doorgaan, zal je inschrijving automatisch overgedragen worden naar de volgende editie.

Dit is mogelijk op eigen initiatief. Neem ten laatste op 30 juli contact op met info@peloton.be.

Wil je wisselen naar een kortere afstand? Neem dan ten laatste op 30 juli contact om met info@peloton.be.

Wil je wisselen naar een langere afstand? Kom ter plaatse naar de infodesk en wij helpen je verder. Je kan het verschil ter plaatse bijbetalen.


The organiser advises everyone to avoid strenuous exercise for which you are not physically prepared. Make sensible choices about the distance you want to cover and/or the pace you want to set for your body.

If you want to perform sports at a high intensity, it is best to have yourself checked annually by a (sports) doctor. It is not compulsory to provide medical certificates.

It is up to the athletes to decide how to deal with the information provided during a medical check-up. The organiser bears no responsibility in this respect.

Do you feel ill, have a cough, sneeze, or fever? Given the current health situation, we advise you to stay at home and not come.

Respect the highway code and cycle cleanly

The organisers and police will ensure that the highway code is respected. Violations will be sanctioned. So as not to jeopardise the event’s survival, we ask expressly that you respect the traffic regulations, do not litter, and do not urinate in public. We count on the sportsmanship of all participants.